Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Sidqie Djunaedi (2122)
I cannot wait for the day, nWhen we are together as one. nThe day I embraced you in my arms. nWe have a long road ahead. nBut, with you by my side, nWe will be alright. nPromise me, we'll never be apart. n-----nMy very first Pre-Wedding PhotonSaturday, 23.12.06nnMarcia and Gilbert. nWedding On: 07.07.07.nThis is the BnW version. Color version will not be uploaded. nn30D + 18-55 Kit Lens + 055MF3 + Elbow Bracket. nn15 Vertical Frames stitched together in PTGui. nnPhoto Session with Aryo (dA ID: bluebag) and Reddy (dA ID: red-s). nnComments and Critiques are very much invited.
18 tahun yang lalu
penempatan pasangannya dan bangunan di sbelah kanan membuat foto ini sangat enak dilihat...mantep bro...
BW tone,kompo ama angle nya mantap bro...................
anglenya pas, mantap... salam
Mantap stitching-nya! Couple-nya taroh di tengah kayanya juga tetep oke, given the symmetrical composition. :)
wah.. jaitan nya mantap nih, oom... keren banget... tone bw nya asik banget.. salam jepret
bw yg indah......moment jg bagus,kompo ok...salam
bagus angle shotnya..plus olahan BWnya jg udah apik..nice shot