Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Bukit Rahardjo (16642)
This picture taken as learning point in taking night shot picture. Inspired and learn from mas Dani (one of the HK FNers), i try to captured this scenery by using slow speed shutter. I realized that this picture is no near to the fair picture and still need a lot of technique and improvement in execution. Comments, corrections and suggestions from FNers are most welcome and highly appreciated...manythanks...bukitrnrnrnDate Time Original: 2006:12:21 20:41:46rnISO Speed Ratings: 100
18 tahun yang lalu
Manteb... tebbb..teebbbb....
wuihh..asyik bgt capture motion nya...slow speed shutter nya mantap nih...ada star effects di lampu jalan loh...cheers....
Amazing...efek shutter speed pada whells-nya sangat indah sekali dan penyettingan anglenya dengan gedung yang ada disebelahnya mengisi keseimbangan komposisinya..Dan yang paling top tentunya capturing dari permainan cahayanya yang begitu menakjubkan. Betul2 kreatif sekali..salam salim oom Bukit
Excellent! I did the same thing when I learned night shot.... still doesn't get any better though ;p
circle light bgt .... nice view ! salam
memang layak FPE. mantap boss ! s@l@M
dinamis...nice shot pak...salam
Mas Bukit, Wah okeh bgt nih lightingnya... salam dari hysan ave
wow.night shoot yg ok punya nih.gw star lightnya.keren
nice slow speed shot, the wheel's motion makes the picture alive
wow, keren banget, putaran wheel nya terlihat hidup. salut sama teknik motret nya sampai bisa hasilkan gambar sebagus ini. keep improving.. -ipey
excellent shot...love the composition as well..
Wah pas ni speednya buat bikin wheelnya jadi hidup...
kereen nightshootnya, nicely composed mas, sip!! salam salut, =)
Nice one... Eksperimen terus dgn mainan barunya nih :)
Nice slow shutter. The composition is good. The exposure is also excellent. Nice shot and congratulation
keren photonya, cuma sepertinya kurang semarak, rasanya ada yg kurang.mungkin bg nya terutama sudut atas kanan yg kosong terlalu banyak......
superb control of eksposure value....hmmm and very beautiful indeed :)
GREAT //yop//
mantap....nightshot yg sukses
mantap fotonya, pas banget speednya... salam
shuter speed nya tepat sekali pak.. cantik.. komposisinya jg indah.. nice pic...
Speed up ur light........ nice moment
wow! lightingnya bagus skali.. slow shutternya keren!! komposisinya oke punya!!
dah banyak yang kasih koment jadi cuman bisa bilang nice pic. imho, tp gedungnya kok agak miring dikit bro. moga berkenan. salam