Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Muhammad Farhad Alaydrus (462)
Ini lagi maen skate pas istirahat skolah... Masuk-masuk udah keringetan bin bau... hehehe...
18 tahun yang lalu
nice pict........nice moment........?kickflip ato kick melilit tuh.....hehehehe.....coba diambil agak rendah keren mungkin ye.....?SYALUT SYALUT
anglenya diganti , focusan dikit better
good freezing, I love the angle and shadow...
Yes the timing and the moment is there. The tone is not too interesting. As you can see there is a lot of blue color tone. Even on the person hand. The pict is lack of contrast. Maybe because you let the camera control the setting. Try to use manual setting.
keren broo.. momennya cantik...
moment nya cakep....tone nya kurang dihati bos....jngn pake auto...salam!!
gila masih ada yg main skate....jadi nostalgie dech akikaa :) kik flip front apa tidak? main THPS lagi aaah :)
moment dan refleksinya cakep sob , sayang bgt telat yah ... salam
momentnya asik !!
Momennya telat sob..harusnya pas lagi ngangkatnya...hehehehe...pic.nya kok kayak kertas lecek tone-nya...masih pake mode auto yah? Ato karena powershotnya? IMHO