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Setia Nugraha, Kang Ujang (53656)
The Wine Store (Weinstadel) is one of Nuremberg's most beautiful buildings. Two half-timbered storeys rise above the ground floor fashioned from sandstone ashlars. The front towards the river Pegnitz boasts wooden galleries with metal gargoyles, and there is a bridge with a covered walkway towards the Hangman's Bridge. During the 13th century, this was the course of the "last-but-one city fortification", which connected the two parts of the town by bridging the river Pegnitz.nnOriginally the building, erected in 1446/48, was a infirmary housing people suffering from leprosy. They were allowed to live within the city for three days during Holy Week and – in addition to receiving food and clothing – were also examined by a doctor.nnFrom about 1571, the building served as a wine store, later on as a work house and spinning house and as accommodation for poor families. It now has a thoroughly modernised interior and today is a student hall of accommodation.nnnsumber: http://www.nuernberg.de/internet/portal_e/reiseziel/ctz_5204 .htmlnnDate Time Original: 2006:12:08 15:46:08nISO Speed Ratings: 400
18 tahun yang lalu
wah foto macam mana pula ini!asik kali olahan tone nya,,khas kang jang-u,,salam,,salut,,JT
bagus ah..
komposisinya enak banget...^^Gruß von Karlsruhe
keren bang kaya di pilm2
gaya loe jang.. keterangannya pake bahasa inggris..
cakep banget tone-nya....anglenya cantik nih..salam
nice view...kompo dan tone cakep boss...salam dari JAPAN
Duh, Suka dengan tone dan komposisinya kang. Bikin kangen deh kang fotonya ... hiks hiks.
suka dengan tonal yang begini kang ujang...cakep sekali viewnya...salam hangat
nice view & angle , tone colornya yang unik ... bikin fotonya nuansanya jadi beda .... salam
potret arsitektur yang indah, tonenya saya suka... momentnya juga tenang banget... salam FN
wah keterangannya keren,sayang ingrisku kurang banyak,jerman aja gimana?,nice tone pak,nuernberg ist wirklich ne schoene stadt ne,ich mag auch gerne hin.gruss dich
Komposisi cakep dan warnanya membangun suasana sendu.
cakep tonenya.......asyik konsepnya..salam..
komposisi & tone..cakep Kang.
tone-nya mantep, kompo asik, langitnya jg dramatis!!! sip ah...
wah..kereeeeen....kesannya misteriussssss....
What a great tone! Very classical. Salam kenal.
a classic pict...nice BW
kterangannya ditranslate dong,hahha..NICE PICTURE !! salam^^..
mantap tone & komposisinya....
tone ama kompo nya cakep...........