Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Danang Yogaheratno (1174)
baru belajar...mohon masukan
18 tahun yang lalu
tonenya kurang nendang...warna jande bkn..? he..
Good start. The composition is good. The dof is nice. The subject is sharp. The only thing is the tone. It is kind of pale looking. Does the orginal color of the flower like that. Try to close down your aparture to 1 or 1/2 stop.Maybe you can achive a nice color tone and the top part might not oe.
cantik.......ini bunga plastik ya ?.......salute. salami
cantik pak,tajam,keren ,salam
Saya kurang suka dengan tone-nya.. kurang greget gitu.. Masih bisa diolah lagi. Keep jepret ya... Salam..
nice macro..salam...
Cakep macro, lighting, n' angle-nya, sayang cropping terlalu ketat nh [imho]. Nice shot! Salam...
asik juga nich tajamnya....sep banget...color buganya sep...salam kenal : item
Great macro. Soft and nice tone. composition in a good angle and framing. Welldone, Great shot.
POI nya cakep, makronya tajam, color & tone nya keren, BG blurring nya yahud. Salut & salam.
makro nya tajam banget bro...keep JEPRET...salam dari Japan