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Novianto Indramawan (589)
Fotografer sedang dalam suspend/verifikasi identitas/verifikasi e-mail. Foto tidak bisa dikomentari
18 tahun yang lalu
Klarifikasi ya mas... Nanti saya ganti koq...
Anglenya bagus, sayang ada OE di POI. (memang susah loh foto warna putihnya) thank's
Makro & komposisi yang cantik...
good macro.. lightingnya ok.. salam,
bunga nya cakep............kompo nya mantap...............
Cakep komponya, salam
bagus sekali, giat2lah motret macro/bunga banyak penggemarnya terutama utk kalender . . . . . .
The composition is great. The lighting is a little bit harsh. As you can see some part of the flower is oe. You can not see the detail on the flower. Good solution for this is to take a reading on the white flower and close 2 stop. The dark bacground is nice. Hope this will help.
nice macro and perfect dof...3 tu bro...a bit oe though...maybe lower it with ps?
Komposisinya Top abis...Lightingnya cakep...Nice Shot...
angle dan compo yang bagus. sedikit OE di kelopak bunga, memang sulit dapat exposure yg tepat utk warna putih dan masih ada detail.salam kenal dan keep upload
kompo cakep...tp lighting terlalu kuat klo disoft lg pasti lebih bagus...salam
angl;enya ok,kurang tajam ya:P,salam
very nice macro picture...perfect composition as well...salam