Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Irwin Ng (868)
Date Time Original: 2003:09:18 17:51:47rnTaken from the other side of the usual Tourist perspective, having to walk a long way through the field. the steel pathway is a monument...
18 tahun yang lalu
nice angle...dan detailnya tajam...salam
suka tonal birunya.. komponya ga diragukan. mantap boss ! ...........s@l@m
Good composition. Very well done. Good shot Iike it
bagus viewnya diapit 2 building...nice prospective...good job
cantik komposisinya......top angle dan framenya.....salam..
Nicely composed... good shot..... Rgds
framing nya oke juga, pak! salam..:)
nice framing, nice perspective... regards
anglenya lain daripada yg lain...cakep bro...keep upload...
angle ama framing nya asiik nich.............
he he..emang iya.emang bagus nih bagian ini buat foto2.
nice frame...
great angle.great stlye. outstanding
asyik dimensinya, smooth natural tone, salam