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Dante Saksono (22070)
Mother o\' Minern rnIf I were hanged on the highest hill,rnMother o\' mine, O mother o\' mine!rnI know whose love would follow me still,rnMother o\' mine, O mother o\' mine!rnrnIf I were drowned in the deepest sea,rnMother o\' mine, O mother o\' mine!rnI know whose tears would come down to me,rnMother o\' mine, O mother o\' mine!rnrnIf I were damned of body and soul,rnI know whose prayers would make me whole,rnMother o\' mine, O mother o\' mine!rnrnRudyard Kipling (1865-1936)
18 tahun yang lalu
momen yg manis ...cakep warnanya
Fotonya bercerita sekali Mas Dante, jadi ingat waktu kecil dulu, ha ha ha.
Nice moment.... Sungguh menyentuh photonya nih Oom Dante... Komposisi & anglenya apik sekali... Very nice captured...!! (Salam Jepret)
keren banget... sudut bidik yang bagus. Perubahan warna gelap-terang dari FG-POI-BG cakep sekali.... dan bokehnya bikin hati seneng... salam jrg
foto dan puisinya mantab... hehehe
Wah Asik ni pak ... Lam From Gaplek Ct.
Mantav ! Warna2nya asyik Boss. saLaM,--frAnS--
humanis yg keren..momentnya bagus...nice snap!
Yes, great moment! Good capture here :-)
nice candid.. tapi kok kayak lagi makan sendiri ya.. agak gimanaa gitu sama judulnya..
very nice picture...perfect moment and delivered the message properly...nicely done...salam
nice & sweet moment, nice angle, nice tone,.....nice poet....cantik banget komponya.....salam
nice moment ..luv the concept...nice pict !!
nice candid