Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Eric Hartono (6307)
Date Time Original: 2005:07:09 14:38:04nnThis statue reminds us, that morning exercise is important.nIt's not just good for health, but it's also good for life.nKeep in mind about that.nCheers...
18 tahun yang lalu
wow.. jernih nih mas eric.. tone n komposisi juga mantap euy.. salam
I like the blue of the sky. Angelnya jg siip. emang ada pagoda di sydney ya. maklum belon prnh ke sono sih.
Nice shot....dapet aja objectnya.....SIP...SIP...SIP -salam motret-
hahaha..cakep deh ih milih objeknya... keren.. salam