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Patricia Kristy Prameswari , Kikie (11345)
It's nothing ... rnrnIt's something my Gramps hung on the wall. I guess Gramps wanted us, his grand children, to apply it in our lives.rnrnrnMy Gramps is a great guy. rnrnrnIt's been two years now since we prayed together in that room.. The sweetest prayer I've ever heard, too bad it was the last time we say our prayer together. rnrnrnIt's been two years and I still couldn't let go off my past regret, why didn't I say -I love you- that nite ... If only I knew it was the only chance I had to say...rnrnrnI've missed you, Gramps ...rnrnI love you, I'll always love you.rnrnrnIn a loving memory of my Grand Pa.rnrnrnrn~ a house doesn't make a home, please DON'T LEAVE me here alone ~rnrn[Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own - u2]
18 tahun yang lalu
boleh neeh idenya
asik nihhhh simple tapi dalemmm
Haik... ok buanget idenya. Kata ungkapan yang bagus.
mantaflah koe.. encik kikie.. tgl 16 jgn telat...
Hanya membantu membantu membaca : " KAMULYANING URIP IKU DUMUNUNG ONO TENTREMING ATI " (Rasa Mulianya hidup itu terletak di tenteramnya hati) ............... (Gathoe18)
nic pic,,salam ................
kreatif juga yaaaa
Kreatif idenya nih Mbak. Saya sendiri nga akan menyangka 'peninggalan sejarah' ini bisa dijadikan objek yang menarik. IMHO lho!. Oke, semoga berkenan. Salam 'jetret'..
bingung masukin kategori ya Kie.. hehe
hmm, sorry...fotonya eyecatching aja.jadi mampir untuk ngliat.tolong donk,kasih keterangan tambahan cara baca tulisan itu.salam kenal....
Hiks... hiks... jadi sedih... My Condolenses..