Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Patricia Kristy Prameswari , Kikie (11345)
I was alone and as usual, there were thoughts flashing in my head and somehow I could feel the energy burning me inside. rnrnFor Hendrik, Seto, & Gede, without whom I'd never experience the journey. rnrnTo my beloved Dad, I know he's extremely worried about my being out there ... yet he remained silent. rnrnrnI sit and waitrnrnDoes an angel contemplate my faternrnAnd do they know the places where we go when we're grey and oldrnrn'cos I have been told that salvation lets their wings unfoldrnrnSo when I'm lying in my bed thoughts running through my head and I feel the love is deadrnrnI'm loving angels insteadrnrnrn[Angle - Robbie Williams]
18 tahun yang lalu
busyet tonena.. ho ho ho...
tonenya asik..........babe........
bagus olahan tonenya,tapi mana nih loneliness-nya kurang kuat..:) salam dari jogja
view-nya cakep neh, kompo langit dan mentarinya bagus cuma kurang cocok ama tone-nya, over blue, IMHO (selera seh) nice shoot - salam
sebenernya ok banget neh....cropping ny ajuga berani....cuman biru laut n langit seperti ngeblend....other...ok bgt....salam
Konsep & komposisinya cakep nich... Salam...
Cakep ... langitnya bagus .. salam
viewnya indah...componya pas...cakep tonenya... salam oos.
tone birunya cool deh ih..hehhehee..landscapenya asik euy...joey.....
landscape yang apik, suka idenya, salam :)
Kurang Sreg Dengan Tonenya . .
tone nya cakep banget................. viewnya jg sangat menarik............ foto ini di croping apa pake wide lens ya......... pokoknya salut deh.......... D200 boleh jg tuh ... =) saLam.