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Novilia Darmawan (1078)
masih coba-coba shot sunset dari kamera poket ... udah di reduce noise tapi kayanya masih ada .... nmohon kritik & saran
18 tahun yang lalu
cakep viewnya menarik.. Nice shoot
noise tdk menggangu koq...sometimes add another taste of it......cuma kurang komponya aja :)....:) salam!
nice compo... tonenya cantik... grainy dikit aja... salam
taking a shot of a sunset is always beautiful but to have a nice shot on a beautiful sunset is not easy. But you have a wonderful shot. Even there is a "noise" but the sunset is still beautiful. I really like it. Cool!
nice sunset.. keep ulpoad sist! "salam kenal"
memang terlihat noise-nya, tapi manis banget mbak sunsetnya..., baru kamera poket aja udah oke begini, gimana kalo slr ya? salam...!