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Akhmad Faqih (7194)
frame resize di IrfanView
18 tahun yang lalu
spatial depth is almost there but not quite the way i think it should be - the signages create an opportunity to present more fascinating depth if you chose a more skewed angle. i think you have a tendency to maintain some static balance instead of dynamic. try to move around a bit. also, the hierarchy here is not well defined, you focusing on the bright spot beyond or the sihouette of streetscape?
nice mas akhmad.. saya suka tonenya.. tapi kenapa pakai f/5.6?? jadi belakangnya agak nggak tajam deh bos.. mungkin kalau f/11 or more lebih tajam di BG.. IMHO.. salam humblefisherman
Bagus komposisinya. Suasananya dapat.
nice shot sip salam kenal
menarik bgt idenya kayaknya eksekusinya bisa dikulik lagi nih... terus bereksplorasi ya! salam.