Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Primarita Sinantya Smita (8446)
18 tahun yang lalu
waaaa.... keyeeennn..... suka sama angle en komponya kak... salam!
bloody hell, this is nice! love the concept! ^_^
don't look behind your back if you want to find peace.......
kok ada pake acara nannyi2 inii ?????? wahhh makkk .. bruce s pulak ituu ... aku suka ma kepala bapak yang kinclong ituu .. hihihihihihihih
agak kurang sreg sm bayangan di sign,. nice colors. :) btw, what's a diptych? never heard of it. - - make love not war, peace.....through narcism :D
nice concept n idea.... anglenya bagus, komposisinya kuat banget.... tone dan lightingnya cakep... cuma bayangan yg di kiri itu apa ya..? nice shot....
jadi ingin berladang kembali
Mantav ! Next time please give me some information about your pict. It took me a loooong time to understand and....still dont get it. Maybe I am too stupid. Heheheheh.... I prefer the right one. Selamat pulkam, jgn lupa maen ke tokem. :P saLaM, frAnS -------
Kesan misterinya terekam dengan baik...bercerita fotonya...good idea...salam
konsepnya bagus.. salam
jadi inget film matrix
" SECRET GARDEN " by: Bruce Springsteen She'll let you in her house If you come knockin' late at night She'll let you in her mouth If the words you say are right If you pay the price She'll let you deep inside But there's a secret garden she hides She'll let you in her car To go drivin' round She'll let you into the parts of herself That'll bring you down She'll let you in her heart If you got a hammer and a vise But into her secret garden, don't think twice You've gone a million miles How far'd you get To that place where you can't remember And you can't forget She'll lead you down a path There'll be tenderness in the air She'll let you come just far enough So you know she's really there She'll look at you and smile And her eyes will say She's got a secret garden Where everything you want Where everything you need Will always stay A million miles away... Mbak' Tita...you and ur work's always awesome.... : ) salam hormat -AdindA-
taaaa.....poto mu yang ini keren skali.... asli d mantap.... yang jadi masalah cuma bayangan u yang ada disitu... bnr kan itu bayangan u? tapi diluar itu bnr2 hebat nih..... salah satu masterpiece u nih ta....mnurut gw siy..... tapi koq sepi comment n yang ngliat ya? akhir2 ini gw cukup heran sama orang2 di FN.....
wkakakaka... iya tuh bener kata kang igor :) yg kiri cakep yg kanan keren....
i cant see the garden ^^ fast moving to make a great one,,huhuu =) dia masih betah ga mau pulang bang... belon kenyang moto die,, hehehe see yaa Ta
Foto yang kanan mantep banget komposisinya ...... Dua foto ini tone-nya bisa rata banget ..... Great Shot Salam
mateng diptychnya..
neng pulang dicariin mamih kata mamih jangan kluyuran terus, blajar, besok mau ulangan
konsepnya saya suka mbak rita, hanya eksekusinya masih perlu beberapa perbaikan, misalnya kurang tajamnya foto yg disebelah kanan dan bayangan yang terdapat pada objek. semoga berkenan ya mbak. rgds,
Udah nggak main kereta-keretaan lagi? :D Kurang sreg dengan bayangan yg jatuh di sign-nya, but everything else is fine. Suka dengan tone senada yg ada pada kedua foto, mampu menghubungkan kedua foto secara subtle. Prefer bangkunya ada di bagian bawah frame, tapi cuma selera aja sih. =)
fufufufu... i have a smile too this morning by these photographs... diptych..?? never heard about it... yang penting.... tebas terus...!! NBY
cakep diptychnya ... kedua foto yg total lain tetapi dr konsep dan ceritanya sangat menunjang satu sama lain....
Fookin' Awesome..... beautiful scenario with a damn great concept. super sweet diptych, brilliant idea, luv your very special tone and that shiny head. this is too much or not enough ( : Dig it!!!!