Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Abu Iqbal Adeel (2885)
Masih serial RirinnnDate Time Original: 2006:02:20 18:53:41nISO Speed Ratings: 80nEXIF n Camera n Make FUJIFILMn Model FinePix S9500 n Orientation upper leftn X resolution 72n Y resolution 72n Resolution unit 2n Software Adobe Photoshop CS2 Windowsn Date/time 03/09/2006 10:25:12n YCbCr positioning co-sitedn Image n Image description n Artist Picasa 2.0n Copyright n Exposure time 1/125 sn F-number 6.4n Exposure program Manualn ISO speed ratings 80n Date/time original 02/20/2006 06:53:41n Date/time digitized 02/20/2006 06:53:41n Component config YCbCrn Compressed BPP 2n Shutter speed value 1 sn Aperture value 5.400000n Brightness value 1.03n Exposure bias value 0.000000n Max. aperture value 3.000000n Metering mode Patternn Flash Flash fired [on]n Focal length 45.8 mmn User comment n Colorspace sRGBn Pixel X dimension 900n Pixel Y dimension 675n Focal plane X res. 3331.000000n Focal plane Y res. 3331.000000n Sensing method One-chip color area sensorn Scene type Photographed imagen Custom Rendered Normal processn Exposure mode Manual exposuren Scene capture type Standardn Contrast Hardn Saturation Normaln Sharpness Normaln Subject distance range Unknownn Miscellaneous n Exif version (30,32,32,30)n FlashPix version (30,31,30,30)n File source DSC
18 tahun yang lalu
nice potrait.... efek blurnya bikin foto lebih menarik.. TOP
Lightingnya cakep, oldig blurnya bikin foto bernuansa lembut, cakep..!
Keren pak... skin tonenya really natural.. manis sekali... salam
Bagus...ekspresi, lighting dan olahannya mendukung
Descriptionnya kagak salah tuch...??? Lengkap Banget...!!! Good Shoot bos...!!! Salam kenal and sukses selalu...!!!
DOF nya asik... blurnya asli ato olahan? setuju dengan yang lain.. sedikit berlebihan... skin tone di wajah enak banget diliatnya... salam
a soft skin tone.. I love it.. rgds,
wow keterangannya seabreg nih hhihi.. tapi cakep emang
Tajam...tonenya apik..
ekspresi modelnya sip... blurnya kebanyakan... jd kesannya OE
deskripsinya sangar! tapi hasilnya asiik
wow.. look at all that image description.. !! the model is really cute, but i think you exploit her face more, the blurr effect is a bit too much imo.
waw.. potret yang keren... ekspresinya dapet.. soft tonenyna menarik... nggak pedes dimata
Wow detil banget keterangannya Cakep tonenya, Tajam pengambilan gambarnya Salam : Thelma
good shot
busyet descriptionnya!!! Abis pake diffuse yah? nice shot.
portrait yang apik... ekspresi dan softtonya menarik.