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Mhd. Luthfi, Upie (41313)
She's Electric,rnSong by oasis.rnrnShe's electric rnShe's in a family full of eccentrics rnShe done things I never expected rnAnd I need more time rnShe's got a sister rnAnd god only knows how I've missed her rnOn the palm of her hand is a blister rnAnd I need more time rnrnAnd I want you to know rnI've got my mind made up now rnBut I need more time rnAnd I want you to say rnDo you know what I'm saying? rnBut I need more .... rnCoz I'll be you and you'll be me rnThere's lots and lots for us to see rnThere's lots and lots for us to do rnShe is electric, can I be electric too? rnrnDate Time Original: 2006:01:15 13:28:58 (FN061-Hunting Model Event)rnInsert Model: The Amazing EkiernrnAs ussualy : just tone, saturate, level,resize by AcdSee.. No PS Touching :)rnrnGreeting to all Droller's.
18 tahun yang lalu
wah sephianya bagus sekali..pose sang model sangat menawan..DOFnya mantap...well composed n captured..salam..
behhhhhhhh..ngeri kalie ah ekspresinya..naek birahi awak langsoeng..
cakepppp banget.so sexy so seducing
keren sephianya nehh.. brooo.. i like the tone colour.. overall are good picture..
famingnya + tone nya a la poster bgt !!! :P~
wow great!
Cantik banget ya.....posenya n ekspresinya bukanmain bozz. Mas, minta dong kalau ada model yang cantik...saya ngga punya model nih, masak anak kos yang batangan semua mau dijadiin model....ha..ha...ha. salam.....
foto yg sexy sekali, sensual ,nice shoot, nice mood
emang electric nih!!! pose dan ekspresi sempurna!!!!
walau bw tapi menggigit..
cool banget.. ekspresif layak FPE
Siiip lo fotonya
nice sephia komposisinya apik posenya cantik salam
bagus banget bang..eksotik.. salam
As ussualy : just tone, saturate, level,resize by AcdSee.. No PS Touching :) <-- apa bedanya ACDsee sm PS? sm2 digital touch bukan? tp whew.... electifiying :D sayang perutnya agak buncit dikit :) salam....
Keren book model ama fotonya
selamat bung jadi foto pilihan FN gimana bung totto -B-A-G-U-S-.. ;0)'
keren abis nih om saya jadi kesetrum juga Salam
19 tahun yang lalu
Saya suka model yg bisa diajak kerjasama untuk sesi seperti ini Mantap kali Bang :) dapat model seperti dia
(~) Cakep bgt bang... Ekspresi n posenya pas bgt.. warna sepianya bikin foto ini makin ok... salam...
ekspresi full!!! keren abis! tone color nya sip deh!
SEMUANYA OK ... MANTAP...................
Bisa aja Bang... hafal lirik pula.... TOP!
very nice tone and composition... congratulations...
tajammm ... dan depth mantap mas. ini pasti jarak deket ya ? jiwa manusiawiku langsung keluar ... pengen banget menolong si mbak yg terpuruk ini.