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Mahesa Widura (74562)
19 tahun yang lalu
momennya cakep nih mas,.... tajamnya pas, tonenya juga asik,.... suka ama tone2 yang cool nih, sip, sukses selalu ! !
waooow, cantik burungnya.. tone-nya juga apik.. kurang sreg sama komposisi-nya, imo keren mas.. salam,
Moment & komposisinya Mantab pisan. Simple but Nice.
nice shot ... really difficult (for me ) color tone as well as detail are excellent great waswib
cakep banget
keren.... tobbbbbbbb i luv it.. salam
enak ngeliatinnya nih... tonenya cool...
cantik..dapet aja momentnya....kayak pesawat terbang.. Tonenya juga cantik... Nice shoot
keren bgt....moment nya salut deh...
momentnya top bgt, tonenya biru2 ya. nice shot
great capture... perpaduan seagull, awan dan bluish tone yang apik... salam
Great shot. So cool, freeze bird & Beautiful Picture. TOP
cantik....teruslah terbang......salam dari langit biru.........
gelooooo keren abissssssssssss.... oldig nya cantikkk
Great PS effect!
Good moment.. Nice shoot.. Tonenya cakep.. Salam ; day
mantap bang warnanya menarik hati
keren.. bener2 keren... ke kananin dan tengahin dikit aja mas burungnya...
Waduh...peace message of this picture is verrrrrry strooooong. Very very good. I think You need long time to take this picture. I mean to choose the right bird or to choose the stylish bird or to choose the good moment.hi.hi.hi But the message is strong. Salam.
Nice capture... cukup detail nih burungnya... Salam dasyat...
Betul2 kreatif....foto yg cantik
cakep banget tonenya. nice angle.. sippp dahhh tajam salam
Nice Pic ... Burungnya keren euy
Wew.. nice moment, nice shot...
nice shot mate