Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Eddy Wijaya (322)
19 tahun yang lalu
model ini memang cantik..saya punya foto close up dari depannnya.. dan memang cantik sekali. nb sekarang sudah kurusan ya..:D
padahal modelnya cantik bgt, posenya standar. ada OE di dada, bahan busananya memang reflektif yah...salam..
hueheuheue i know this... di kelas yah? salam...
Ekspresi sama hairlight nya ga dapet, mas !
Fokus tajam, komposisi sdh seimbang, cahaya sdh pas, expresi dan posing obyek mengesankan.
sama..cropping di tangan aja yg ganngu.. selebihnya menurut saya OK!
setuju ama mas yang diatas..crop tangannya tanggung....IMHO tapi idenya cuman pake satu lampu bagus juga salam ZAck
The model is beautiful, i think you have missed out on opportunity! the pose if very standard, and the face is not very expressive (and it the photographer's job to bring out the expression). I think making her wear the three colours was also not a good idea. Nothing in her dress matches, jean with top, and the shawl. cropping the right hand was also not a good idea. A big hot spot on her breasts ! ligthing on her face is ok.