Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Rahul Sharma (7058)
I have posted the picture of the tree you see on the top, but i think it could not stand on its own, so.. i tried to make the 'combo', the bottom picture is of a different tree.
19 tahun yang lalu
I see a tendency of combining or integrating something in your pictures. Nice... I like your concept to cross the border and out of FN's mainstream. Keep uploading...
I can see your point ... but the trees are too different to make one cohesive picture
is this Dyptich? Sorry?
Sorry if i could not see your point... basically both of your pics were nice, but the concept did not express your idea.
very weird foto indeed
setuju saama mas donny kurniawan !!
foto yg atas rada aneh tonenya.. foto yg bawah rada under kayanya.. keduanya ga jelas POI nya.. framing gede dengan warna yg mirip pula
nice try, but look very different....btw keep try something like this bro... my best regard....
Kalau boleh saya MINTA combo 2 satu porsi he he he IDE-nya boleh juga KEREN komposisi-nya permainan warna-nya MANIS juga salam dari BALi
I dont really see the point of interest in this photograph. Combining a tree? well there are lots of readings on the internet and books available at Borders I believe in San Francisco to get some readings on the topic on basic photography. Thanks for sharing tho
Idea and composition it's find...why you cho0se the blue colour for the frame...for my taste i will choose the brown colour (wood), i think is more better IMHO...nice shot anyway...cherrs