Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Karmela Amanda Hasan, Mel (39039)
Well..rnrnOnce upon a time, when this bored housewife thinking what should she do with her time while waiting for her youngest son finished his class, her eyes fell on the dry cabinet and saw her hubby's DSLR.rnrnTired with her own camera limitation, she decided to bring along her hubby camera to a nearby neighbourhood Secondary School to take some snapshot.rnrnShe was a little bit hesitated for a moment, Singapore Kids were (in)famous for their coldness and expressionless.rnrnWould they cooperated?rnrnShe thought, "What the heck, I'll take their photos anyway.."rnMaybe that came for her desperation and her longing for a good snapshot hunting.rnrnShe stood in front of the school gate and wait, and wait.rnHalf an hour later the school kids started to flood the gate.rnShe was so panic she couldn't choose one single object.rnrnThen a group of schoolgirls suddenly appeared before her eyes. She shouted, "Hey girls, pose for me please!!"rnThe girls giggled and shouted back, "For what????"rnShe stumbled on her words but finally said, "For newspaper!!"rnrnShe lied.rnrnBut the schoolgirls fortunately obeyed her and posed for her with their bestest smile.rnrnShe felt guilty afterwards, but..hey..anything for good photos.rnrnIt was worth it :)rnrnBut girls, sorry your faces wouldn't be show up in any newspaper. rnIt will be better. Your faces will be shown in Fotografer.Net :)rnrnrnThanks for painstakingly read my story until the last word, guys. :))
Fotografer sedang dalam suspend/verifikasi identitas/verifikasi e-mail. Foto tidak bisa dikomentari
19 tahun yang lalu
what a wonderful long story about the advantage of being a female photographer ! thank you for sharing, and of course, for the photo :) terimakasih, salam
cantik cantik.fto yang indah
never get bored again mam.... suka sama perbedaan yg ada diantara mereka... membuktikan kita gak harus sama kalo mau bersama.... sepia keren, expresi ok, komposisi pas..... salam, mbak!!
ekspresinya keren betul! DOF nya asik! salut lah!!! mbak MEL, bikin ceritanya yang bahasa indonesia dunkz, bingung bacanya..... :p salam,...............................
imho, seri schoolgirls...seperti yg lain...tajam....
Ekspresi dan Komposisinya asyik,, Tonenya juga pas, Inget aku jadinya waktu SMP dulu, tapi klo aku campur sekolahnya Man and Girl Yang paling salut ama keterangan tambahannya, anda ngga pernah kehabisan kata2, Salam Sejahtera Selalu, Sing Cirebon,
tajem mba keyen...salam Vicky
bisa2nya mel... penipuan... hehehehe... kreatif juga cara ngambil fotonya.. patut dicoba untuk menggaet model...hehehe...
Keren DOFnya, bagus banget worth the lying hahahaha :) Very nice! Groetjes!
Tone spt ini jiga foto jaman baheula nya keren posenya...mau juga ya mereka di potret dgn gaya khasnya very nice moment shot euy
Good expresion and i like the story
gue pikir ce2 singapore gayanya judes2 gitu.... ternyata ada yang cute2 juga.... senyumannya lepas, en maniezzz semua, ceria abesss, jadi inget jaman sekolah djadoel gitu jack...
ekspresi keceriaannya pas nih... natural banget... mereka seneng dipoto yah mbak... komposisi apik... tone nya da nyoba di bw in ga mbak... salam.
Aahhhhhh kok jadi magenta..... Padahal yg pure item putih jauh lebih OK. (gue liat di Laptopku) Expresive dan terkomposisi dng baik....
suka dengan ekspresinya ini toning dari kamera ya? lain kali di meter ke baju, turunin 2/3 stop dong, apalagi kalau pakai filter red salam
gak ngerti keterangannya,,,, yg pasti keren mbak... saslam
kg suka ama tonenya mbak, nanggung ya, sephia kaga be jg bukan, ekspresinya sih oke ...
cakep eksrepsinya nih ceritanya suka deh...seru.... the third one from the life....kinda' cute... :)
tonenya bagus dofnya keren warnanya tajem itu minum Quickly yah...? mmmm..seger... nice shot
Ekspresinya ok, tajam, duo tone nya bagus. Salam :D
tonenya ok, dofnya ok, storynya juga ok. Salam kenal Mbak
Sangat baik secara artistik dan sempurna secara teknis. salam. curhatannya boleh juga.
ekspresi & tonenya bagus.... ceritanya menarik.... salam
good photos....nice shoot.. best regard
ajarin nulis komen ampe setengah halaman dunk....