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Kurniawan Mitchell Tjiptodihardjo (6109)
Length: 107m nWidth of Nave: 24.3m nHeight of Ceiling: 22.5m nHeight of Central Tower: 46.3m nHeight of Front Towers & Spires:74.6m nnSt Mary's Cathedral is the spiritual home of Sydney's Catholic community. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Sydney, and stands on the site of the first Catholic Chapel in Australia. Constructed in local sandstone, the "Gothic Revival" style of its architecture is reminiscent of the great medieval cathedrals of Europe. St Mary's is not only a great legacy from the past, however: it is vital part of the present spiritual and cultural life of the city and the nation.nn- from sydney.catholic.org.au -
19 tahun yang lalu
Cool! i always wanted to capture this, but at that time i didn't have my 20D with me. :)
perspective yg menarik, fokus tajam, well done! btw disuruh bayar $2 gak neh? hehehe
Nice picture. Exposurenya pas sekali, gambarnya tajam dan komposisinya juga enak dilihat.
menarik lightingnya.........nice shoot
ok bangeeeeeeeeet. can't coment anymore. perfect
Excellent interior shoot... Love the lighting control... well done...
Angle dan perspektif yg menarik. Greet shoot.salam
Warna, tone dan komposisi bagus. Tajam dan kontras. Nice atmosphere, suasana tenang gereja terasa.
bagus yah.... exposurenya tepat.. bersih.... komposisinya enak dimata...warnanya bagus...
Sudut dan komposisi warna yang menarik...
Angle dan komplosisinay terjadi. lighting juga mantap.
it's a beautiful perspective picture.... great exposure..... very nice lighting... hanya saja....2 buah tiang paling depan terlihat terlalu miring (maybe efek dari lensa wide ya....)
Wow..great composition..great tone..great perspective.. salam:)
top.. kangen sama ini tempat udah lama gak ke situ sejak pergi dr sydney.. boleh bawa masuk tripod toh ya? salam, albert
nice shot mas.. salam kenal dari melbourne
keren... warm banget cahayanya... keren nieh gerejanya... anglenya bikin gereja ini makin megah...
viewnya mantep..lighting dan tonenya keren foto tajam..nice moment shoot
angle dan lightingnya bagus komposisinya juga apik! nice shot!
foto arsitektural yg bagus
Foto arsitektural yang cantik, lighting nya menarik dan detail tekstur bangunannya terekspos dengan bagus, Salam.
foto interior yg indah, eksposure dan anglenya mantap.