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Karmela Amanda Hasan, Mel (39039)
Yes, my dear friends..The Alien got me.rnrnActually I'm not too keen of flowers.rnrnInfact sometime I resent them.rnrnThe fact that my dear husband never give me any (oh, I remember, ONCE, when my daughter was born..tsk..) didn't help ;)rnrnrnBut somehow, today it just strike me when my dear friend, Suryatmaning Hany said, "Hey, LOTUS!! Let's take some picture!" (we were in the so called FARM in Singapore<<Farm, in Singapore?? Yeah right. If you count 4 aging goats and some bored looking animals there.rnrnrnThen I said to myself, "Why not??"rnrnrnSo The Alien (read : Hany) got me and now *drumroll please* I present you all............MY FIRST MACRO!!!rnrnrnThanks for viewing , and kritiknya ditunggu banget karena this is very new to me :)rn
Fotografer sedang dalam suspend/verifikasi identitas/verifikasi e-mail. Foto tidak bisa dikomentari
19 tahun yang lalu
Cantik deh bunga nya, soft but burning
cantik sekali !!
Very nice picture, kenapa judulnya aneh yah? hehehehehe Bagus banget dan tajam makronya. Very nice! Groetjes!
warna dan detilnya indah mempesona! bravo!
Bunga lotus yang ini luar biasa indahnya. Detail dan ketajamannya mantap. Lighting OK banget.. Warna kuningnya seperti menyala. Makro yang tajam, DOF nya keren. s a l a m masgareng
wah klewat nih.... lotus yg bagus, halus, dapet nilai seratus...deh..hehe... wassalam D317DY
Lotus memang salah satu bunga tercantik di muka bumi... dan anda mengabadikannya dengan begitu cantik pula...... TOP Salam
hehehehe....berhasil juga nih !!! lucky beginners ? :P
wow... makro nya bagus deh... ini bunga teratai yah? ungunya keren lho...menantang, huehehehe
Great picture!!,... the colors are so beautifull.. By the way it is not lotus (nelumbo),.. it is waterlily (nymphaea) Waiting for your commnet on my picts.. Cheers
Warna2nya sangat vibrant & vivid... What a beauty! :)
huwakkakakakakaak one of Hany victim
paduan warna yang menarik...tajem bgt....salam
"bak api obor kompor Gas ELpiji", hahaha... Bener juga! Filling the frame with such a nice composition, so tajam and yet soft. Congrats for your first macro! Aiyoohh, let uncle Chen telling you haar, actually keenness to flowers not mean you like Ah Lien haar, and tell your hubby, giving you flowers not making him become Ah Beng. Or other way around. Just wondering whether Ah Beng ever gives any flower to Ah Lien? Is this gesture custom to Ah Lien and Ah Beng's world? Dunno lah! On the other hand, uncle Chen also never observed Phua Chu Kang ever send his wife flowers, you know!
Wuihhhh cakep banget kontras warnanya.., sharp n clear... Nice macro,
plok...plok...plok..juga ah.... keren sekali nih bunganya.....mustinya aku mau kasih nilai 100TU tapi fn gak ada yang segitu....hehehe matappppp tap tap..top deh
Excellent shot. Nice lighting.
dipandang lamaaaa (emang saya suko Lotus sih). cantik ya mbak...tajam, bersih, ada rasa damai... eh...mbak suka Lotus ndak ya ?
warna bunga nya nice bgt mba' Mel... tajam dan bersih... nice makro...
wowwowwwwww tajam bener dah ih warna warninya seger bgt salam
Warnanya bisa florosen begitu ya Mel Cantik dan menarik Tajam, komponya juga apik ..
muantep tenan nih foto asli cakep! (makasih atas kritiknya)
waaaahhhhhh..... indah bgt bunga nya mbak Mel..... tajem.... warna nya asyik bgt..... salam... kiki
manis sekali fotonya
cantik banget....warnanya keren