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Monika Juliani (3924)
(copied&pasted from my photolog because I'm lazy):rnThis one was taken during dusk at Cook Park (near Rockdale), about a week before my departure back to Jakarta. The thing about Sydney is that the airport is located right in the middle of the city, and so planes hovering over our heads is a pretty common sight. Nonetheless, I'm still amazed at them and until today I still pointed up to the sky like a little child whenever I see one flying directly above me.
19 tahun yang lalu
sederhana dan manis komposisinya. indah paduan tonenya ... salam.
cakep nih Monica. Jadi sekarang ada di Indo?
Kurangin satu TU krn malas ngeluarin warna birunya.... Nice moment & view...
cantik sekali langitya, momennya bagus pula. nice pic
Like this shot alot. color , composition and timing.
nice shot,..nice compo,... cool tone,... welldone, salam kenal;)D317DY
very nice moment.suasananya hangat,komposisinya menarik
merahnya indah yah... :0
Good capture. Suasana dan komposisinya menarik
pasti yg moto pengen pulang ya? BTW, saya suka warna pesawat dgn pengawas menara pengawas bandara serasi..he..he.. gmn kalo ambilnya dgn pola portrait ya? alohaa
Wah keren nih, momentnya pas banget apalagi cahaya senja yang merah kekuningan di badan pesawat...