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Jeffry Adriano (414)
Joe Satriani Live @ MusikMesse.rnOne of the greatest moment in my life, seeing and hearing the guitar hero play live.rnI came late about 5 min late, so the place is extremely crowded and there's no way I could go anywhere near the stage. So I took out my camera with my 70-200 attached, and try to squeeze myself in. Not much of luck, I end up standing in the left side of the main speaker, and it was LOUD as hell!!rnCan't take many good shots, but anyway it was great to see his performance.
19 tahun yang lalu
cahaya di strap nya terlalu silau dan bikin hot spot. Coba kalau nggak, bisa bikin shot yg gelap dan kena cahaya dikit2 gitu pasti bagus.. Fokusnya juga kurang tajam, atau mungkin shake. salam
agak kurang fokus ya? Mungkin karena deket speaker..Ekspresi nya saya suka. Warnanya agak gelap. Nice shoot...
Yes he is a guitar hero, good try, so far so good fot this focal length, good moment shooting !
Nice concert shot...1/60 is kinda slow for your focal length though...makanya agak goyang dikit. I like the light, tapi komposisinya agak dead center dikit yah....great try anyway...
foto panggung yg manis, ekspresinya tertangkap jelas, lightingnya bagus. nice pic.
gak fokus agak goyang(?) kenapa gak pake 2.8 nya mas ? salam