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Muhammad Baja Aksha (6711)
Foto diambil saat acara National Vasakhi Open House 2005 di Malaysia bersama photog National Geography.rnrnrnWhat is Vasakhi?rnVasakhi marks the start of the Sikh New Year. In Punjab, where the religion had its birth, it marks the coming of spring and the start of the new crop-planting season in the predominantly agriculture-based Indian state. rnrnrnketerangan lengkap, bisa dilihat di: http://www.sikh .net/SIKHISM/vasakhi.htmrn
19 tahun yang lalu
Ada seorang fotografer bilang.. lensa maksimal yang dia pake buat portrait adalah 35 mm. Kalau terlalu "zoom", gambar akan lebih sedikit bercerita... Nice picture though... :)
Tajem. Pakai flash ya? Kayak terlalu kuat dikit deh :)
potret yg manis.
tajam tonenya cakep nice shot