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Shafira Amalia Hidayat, Fira (1222)
My dad has a tripod, my mom too. But I don't have one. rnrnWhen we went hunting I borrow my dad's tripod but I must wait until he finished first.rnrnI wish my dad buy me one someday.rnrnThank you for all the comment, Oom and Tante.rnrnMy dad or my mom will explain it to me later.rnrnDate Time Original: 2004:11:13 00:23:38rnISO Speed Ratings: 320
19 tahun yang lalu
this is the best picture of you I ever seen fron your gallery's... nice compsition, nice color and very moody..... just love to see this picture..... you sould teach me someday how to capture this picture.... THX
nice capture...its so blueeee...
great angle Fira.. love the blue tone.. just a little bit shake.. well done.
angle yg bagus, hanya kurang tajam
Hi Fira. Tone birunya keren banget deh. Nggak sia-sia nungguin sampai matahari terbenam di Boat Quay yah...I love this picture. It really reminds me of your cheerful face. Salam. Oom Tri.
Cakep birunya, warna-warni lampunya juga bagus.
Wah cakep sekali scene-nya. Komposisinya top. Tone-nya menarik sekali. Nightshotnya top! Wah enak juga punya orangtua yang juga punya hobi sama, bisa dapet bimbingan yang bagus. Salaam!
Wow, it' s a great nightshot, Fira !! Good timing, good composition too. Now, you should learn to use timer (as Oom Andri said) and if possible, set the diafragma higher, 16 or 20. Then, you'll get beautiful starry light of the lamps.
Keren photonya. POInya tajam, komposisinya juga harmonis. Congratulation, Fira.
Cahaya sdh pas, fokus tajam serta komposisi sdh seimbang, moment mengesankan.
wuih, very nice shot, this pic so beatifully, so i like your photograp, nice for U, hen haw
Bluenya cakep, anglenya pas. Tapi agak grainy ya...?
birunya manis nih Fira, keep up the good work. skrg minta ajarin sama Abah cara pake timer, foto ini masih sedikit shake, dikit banget, biar pake tripod tapi kalo shutternya dipencet tetep membuat goyang kamera, nah supaya gak goyang dipakein timer jadi pas nanti fotonya diambil ama kamera, posisinya diem, gitu. btw, ngajarinnya telat nih, harusnya kemaren nih, sorry.
cakep viewnya,nice blue,salam
tone bluenya cakep bener ...nice shot mbak..
nice angle, diambil dr jembatan ya. Beberapa waktu lalu saya juga take a shoot from that spot. Nicely done, bluey mood yg berani tapi manis.
Obyek klasik yg tetap menarik. Sekeluarga seneng foto, nice. Selamat Fira
cakep nih poto :) salam kenal buat Anda :)