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Mohammad Yudha Kuntjoro (3657)
Originating with the poetry of Novalis, the image of the blue flower was used by German romantic poets of the 18th and 19th centuries to symbolize the ongoing search for artistic perfection.rnrnIt evolved into an emblem of hope; a symbol for the simultaneous end to and beginning of all things, for reinvention and reincarnation, for the idea that after failing time again, we can keep returning, each time having an opportunity to do things a little less badly.
19 tahun yang lalu
moment yg cantik.........
Praechtiges Bluemchen. Bagus bunganya, kontras sekali, tapi hintergrund masih terlalu rame.
Cantik banget bunganya. Kontras warna yg asik.
Kontras warna bunga dengan BGnya sangat menarik dan tajam. Kalau saya separo yang atas akan saya crop agar POI semakin menonjol. DOFnya sudah oke punya nih... Salam
warna ungu di dalam warna coklat......tinggal teknisnya aja disempurnakan