Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Mario Alvin (893)
this is actually a skate park and this boy was sitting on top of the skate pipe.. i was actually taking the picture of the pipe from the other side and saw the leg of this boy :] i really like this one.. esp with the sky and all.. edited the contrast and the curve and level..rnrnhmm i think the noise in the sky appear becoz of the low size of the pic since i use the save for web thingy and make it not as maximize as it is.. the real picture doesnt have those noise.. :s
19 tahun yang lalu
Wow.. SAturasi dan kontras warnanya kuaat BGT.. Nice :D --SENJA--
Iya nih..komposisnya udah enak..warnanya agak saturated, dibuat bw juga bagus tuh...main curvenya mungkin gak pas. Kontrastnya membuat foto ini semakin menarik.
Anglenya bagus, cakep fotonya, tapi kayaknya terlalu contrast ya?
komposisi menarik.. nice shot
komposisinya kuat dan menarik..sisi siluet itu yang membuat penekan pada gambar sanagt enak dilihat...nice shot.keep upload deh...
cakep.... kayak poster jadinya -salam-
great angle, composition...imho it's too much contrast and saturation...maybe in b/w this foto will be stronger...
asyiik keren euy ... warnanya sungguh menarik
kerennnnn.....kalo dibikin bw gimana?
agree with David ...yg lain udah ok kok...
Good, but too saturated......in my opinion, hope you do not mind...
wOw.. biar OE but keren juga... noise mungkin bisa agak dikurangin yak.., ekspresif
Masih Terlalu Over Rio.. Kayaknya Ngejar Awannya Yah.. Overall..Great Shoot.. PEACE YOOO.. @lusbudianto,@lus..
Very eye catching ! I like it, just like painting, and so simple !