Red Lanterns 

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 Rik Zhan (4439)

Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Jie is a traditional Chinese festival, which is fall on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese New Year. It is the last day of two week long Chinese New Year cerebration. People with their family will gather in the show place to enjoy the beautiful lanterns displayed by individuals or the local municipal. Kids will carry their own lanterns to participate in the showcase. Usually there is competition for the most beautiful lantern.

  • Nilai foto: 27
  • Dilihat: 118
  • Waktu upload: Senin, 14 Mar 2005
  • Lokasi: Yixing, China
Still Life
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/3.2
  • Speed: 1/15
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon Digital Ixus 400 *
  • Lensa: Canon Built-in / Standard *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Yustinus Sucipto, Masgareng (92339)

19 tahun yang lalu

Beautiful lampion.. beautiful lighting. Beautiful Red.. regard masgareng

 M. Afdhal (6582)

19 tahun yang lalu

pEry niCe lah.. The lamPs looked sweet.. just a bit less sharp.. anyhow thiz is a nice pict.. Aloha... Afdhal

Ferawati Sentosa (2390)

19 tahun yang lalu

mm .. zhao de you dian dou .. maybe if the title is red lantern, u should focus more to the lantern. take in different angle, pattern more lanterns to the pic. jia you la!~

 Kristianto Gunawan T (145148)

19 tahun yang lalu

The object nearly full size for this picture without an special POI, IMHO, Salam.

 Joni Wang (22720)

19 tahun yang lalu

warna2 yang bikin ceria... light meteringnya juga pas nice moment

 Ilias Irawan (57864)

19 tahun yang lalu

The red is color of eye catching. The angle that you choose seems not enough to give point of interests. Take one, the perfect lamps and others will be a background shown. Or you could fine another angle to find the pattern of lamps. Regards, Ilias.

 Huang Zheng Ri (16662)

19 tahun yang lalu

Qi shi shi man bu cuo de dan tai fuza le ... ni dei zhao hao de goutu ... :)

 Julfiadi Nawawi, Joel (25273)

19 tahun yang lalu

warnanya asyik banget nice shot

i ketut dharmasuta (1265)

19 tahun yang lalu

permainan warna yang bagus