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D. Chen (45239)
The chinese shophouses at the Malacca's rnold Chinatown. rnThe history of Malacca which dates back 600 years rnhas given birth to the varied culture that is seen today.rnThe Chinatown is one of the cultural heritage which rnis at least 400 years old.rn=======================rnConverted to BW; light toning; contrast adjusted; framed.rnDate Time Original: 2002:12:24 18:18:19
19 tahun yang lalu
nostalgic indeed. abit moody, but takes me to the old days. bravo
Wuih... gw suka bgt sama tone dan mood-nya nih... keren abisss! :D
Kesannya banguanannya tertangkap dengan baik, salam
nice pic, mengesankan suasana ya damai, angle pas hanya keliatannya kurang wide dikit....
bangunan sebelah kiri distorsi mas, bs dilurusin di PS.. lighting, tone, n perspektifnya cakep
Nice architechtural landscape, Salam.
Obyek arsitektural kolonial gini di Indonesia sudah susah dicari....foto cantik
ini malem ya ? emang rada blur nih....
Exotic Place, old Chinatown-Malacca Kecepatan 1/10 , Diafragma f/2.8, Camera Shake Unsharp
Nice BW, smooth and sharp, well maintained historical environment ..
cantik...seperti lukisan...awannya edit ps ya?