Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Ivone Eveline (2254)
she holds me after i took her picture and saying words in perhaps sundanese or javanese that i dont really get it, after quite a while i finally understood that all that she wants is me giving this picture to her to take back home..:)
19 tahun yang lalu
kompo cakep moment sip di-BW, bu....
kenapa ada titik cahaya? bg agak ganggu yah: imho salam kenal
20 tahun yang lalu
komposisi cakep... jernih banget...
saya suka foto PORTRAIT... apalagi mengankat karakter MANUSIA... spt foto ini salah satunya salam
ekspresinya pas... di BW keren kali ya?
ekspresinya dapet nih kka salam digtaler
Cakep snapshotnya.... inget masa depan ya Eve :)
Kontras warnanya bagus banget.. tajam & detail nice shot..
Moment bagus sekali, fokus gambar tajam, komposisi menarik dan pengolahan lanjut bagus ...
Her natural pose was well exposed. The utilization of the given lighting or perhaps from the build in flash was just great. The compostion is also good. It's just the white dots in front of her that a bit distracting. I may do some work on PS to erase them. Overall....great shot.
komposisi bagus.. BG gelapnya di burn aja lagi, biar totally dark.. imho ya... salam