Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
David Eric Hutomo (1995)
Well... guys... it's the 4th photo of the series "Sunset Eagle"... I hope u like this one.rnrnrnActually... this photo has a giant-old tree on the down-left side... but I cropped this photo cause I felt that the tree is distracting this beautiful view of this eagle flying... Anyway... is it an eagle.. or just a normal bird?? I don't know... This bird I think wants to land on the big tree while his other friends flies away.rnrnThere are huge collection of it. I took over 6 photos of this scene. But.. i'm not gonna upload it all... I've minimized it into 12 i think...rnrnSo just wait.rnrnrnISO Speed Ratings: 400rnPS only to crop and edit the brightness and contrast of it.rnrnWah... sori tmn2 fners... saya bnr2 sangat letih karena upload pada malam hari. Maaf sebesar2nya. 12 foto itu pun dibagi jadi dua... yg alsi hasil pemotretan hny 6 dan 6 lainnya ada olah digital.rnrnLagi2... mohon maaf sebesar-besarnya.
Fotografer sedang dalam suspend/verifikasi identitas/verifikasi e-mail. Foto tidak bisa dikomentari
20 tahun yang lalu
hihihihi, spt kata orang2 di forum, jujur aja deh. banyak bet burung2 beterbangan ya.
great moment... great capture... great.
mantap...gaya elangnya pengen mencengkram mangsa...top
Moment-nya bagus, saya kira ini untuk foto iklan kacang GRD
again.....salute...for another nice concept....
Nice moment and nice shot!...
no comment Bagus, salam
Very nice moment and compotition. How you can get this moment ? It's very very nice photo.. I like it.
Momen dan setting pencahayaan tepat menghasilkan foto yang bagus!
Wah, bagus di Indonesia masih ada burung gede gini. atau sengaja ngelepasin burung buat dipotert
Nice Pict, Nice Moment
That was a very good moment. I like the silhouette of the bird towards the sun. From its claws, I assumed that it is an eagle.
Moment dan warna yang bagus.....PAS semuanya...Salam
Moment bagus, warna tajam dan indah, fokus tajam serta cahaya sdh pas, komposisi seimbang.