Chinese Bridge 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


 Rik Zhan (4439)

hello ! i am a native Chinese student ,live in Shanghai ,hope you will like my photo :) Xiexie

  • Nilai foto: 14
  • Dilihat: 190
  • Waktu upload: Jumat, 08 Okt 2004
  • Lokasi: Yixing, China
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/3.5
  • Speed: n/a
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon Digital Ixus 400 *
  • Lensa: Canon Built-in / Standard *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Huang Zheng Ri (16662)

19 tahun yang lalu

Again nice object and reflection ... and again u there are some problem in the photo 1. the BG is too dark 2. a bit blur cause by a shake k overall, nice shot! :)

haris kalin (750)

19 tahun yang lalu

Beautiful lights! next time bring and use tripod okay ?!? keep up the good work!

Tjondro Susilo (3113)

19 tahun yang lalu

shake...why u dont use tripod...but ligh is good..

 Anis Abdullah (6841)

19 tahun yang lalu

beautiful, i'm a digital ixus (ixus 500) user as well, maybe u need to activate the AiAf feature or use flash (even though u know it wont reflect anything on the object) it might help a lil' bit ;) try a larger format.. :)

 Agustinus Wibowo (23311)

19 tahun yang lalu

shaked...., bring a tripod next time. this kind of photo is very difficult without tripod, babe :D

 Leony.K (4037)

19 tahun yang lalu

Actually this is a good photo but like Doty Risanti just mentioned above , if you use tripod it will captured nicely then the light won't shaked.

 R. Iwan Sumarta (16806)

19 tahun yang lalu

you did a really good job holding the camera in such a low speed. I agree with Risanti that you really need a tripod for making this type of picture.

 Danny (13075)

19 tahun yang lalu

nice night shot,the three object on the center over expose

 D. Risanti (56932)

19 tahun yang lalu

You intend to make a reflection of light in the river but you may need tripod for taking the picture, I saw the light shaked and the time when you took it was too late, it's too dark. try more :D