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Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


 Rik Zhan (4439)

I was a native Chinese ,i like FN. Indo friends are very friendly! hope you will learn more about China,and i will learn more about Indoseia! Xiexie

  • Nilai foto: 75
  • Dilihat: 200
  • Waktu upload: Kamis, 07 Okt 2004
  • Lokasi: Yixing, China
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: n/a
  • Speed: 1/2
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon Digital Ixus 400 *
  • Lensa: Canon Built-in / Standard *
  • Filter: 1
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Eric Ertanto (6923)

19 tahun yang lalu

hen biao liang de zhao pian danshi keneng ru guo yong biede angle keneng you dianr pi zhe ge hao.........danshi zhe ge zhen hen hao de zhao zhen xi huan reflection a??????

 Charles H. Hadi, Jade (13203)

19 tahun yang lalu

Nice reflection. If you shoot it at dawn it would be more interesting with those warm sunset colours in the sky.

 D. Chen (45239)

19 tahun yang lalu

Nice reflection on the water, but the surroundings are a lil' bit dark though.

 Albert Gunawan (24400)

19 tahun yang lalu

try shooting earlier in the evening.. so you get some colours in the sky that way you'll have a more interesting photo i reckon and maybe crop off the right side and tighten the composition abit but yeah the reflection and the overall exposure looks spot on keep on shooting :)

 Huang Zheng Ri (16662)

19 tahun yang lalu

i admit its got a nice reflection on the river... but the photo is kinda small and the bg is not very nice though, u can try to take it around 5-6pm :) but nice shot anyway :)

haris kalin (750)

19 tahun yang lalu

Yes agree with all FN-ers, its beautiful! really wants to go there someday ;) nice shot! but actually the pic is to small

 Denny Stefano Taroreh, dentar (57444)

19 tahun yang lalu

beautiful (Indonesia : cantik!)

 Barry Kusuma (61780)

19 tahun yang lalu

foto malam yang cantik..

 Agustinus Wibowo (23311)

19 tahun yang lalu

ni pai de zhaopian bi yiqian you hen da de jinbu. kexi tai an le, yao zao yidian pai jiu hao. buguo zhende yijing bucuo le.

 Tan Tje Tjhen (12920)

19 tahun yang lalu

wow beautiful colors and reflections, good shot, jiayou :)

 Shindi S, indi (3976)

19 tahun yang lalu

so beautiful...! i would crop the right (dark) side, cuz it's too dark to see anything so it's a waste :)

Jimmy Singal (1259)

19 tahun yang lalu

nice... tp backgroundnya terlalu gelap tp lampu2nya saya suka...

 Andi F. Yahya (3740)

19 tahun yang lalu

I like the light and its reflection... nice shot... :)

Tjondro Susilo (3113)

19 tahun yang lalu

hao gan...hen hao gan....

 Gita Dimarsandy (4516)

19 tahun yang lalu

great night picture...the reflection...nice composition...

 Toga Tampubolon (7119)

19 tahun yang lalu

this is a very nice picture, sharp, i like the reflection, good composition

 Much Kurniawan (11784)

19 tahun yang lalu

Beautiful reflection and good composition, but the sky is too dark.

19 tahun yang lalu

Wow, It's really nice. I'm really like this kind of scene. A minor issue because of small wind made the reflection on the lake a bit not like a mirror.

Hedi Priamajar (49168)

19 tahun yang lalu

That's great ! Beautiful lights, but I think you should have taken earlier when there was still more light at the sky.

 masbaz (39152)

19 tahun yang lalu

a beautiful picture! I will be more than happy to learn about these kind of beautiful scenery The reflections works well, however I would like it more if the picture shows some blue sky as well, this one is a bit too dark