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Helmut Schadt (6706)
Foto diambil tahun 1976
19 tahun yang lalu
wuijh... i like and this is a very artististic
20 tahun yang lalu
saya kagum sekali dengan ke-artistikan foto ini, momen dan komposisi serta mood yang menarik sekali...
Always love the mist! great capture...
awesome. suka sekali dengan warna. komposisinya juga bagus. saya terkagum2 waktu lihat foto ini. salut!
wow... mantap fotonya... great shot
helmut......this is nice...very nice....its very.....wooow I like it
angle dan moment mantab...artistik.
very nice! i like the mood :)
Classic! Very nice picture..
it's very nice....you made it like a painting.your picture's really-really expressing seventies
looks grainy heavily, i couldn't imagine how you made this, just beyond my knowledge. but still, it DOES fantastic scetch-style photo, sir.
It is really misty. but it is nice looking.
tahun 76? wah , saya saja belum lahir tuh!
incredible moment in bw..ausgezeichnet!!
keren banget. thanks for sharing
how to made this ...???
oke bangget,... dr segi artistik dan momentnya top,...
Ini foto atau lukisan? bagus bener...........amazing
greatt pict... great mood... woww also an old pict... taken before i was born... :)
wahhh..bak lukisan ajah nih..top..
what a beautiful pic.
long time no see, how are you...? good atmosphere in your pic...
very beautiful picture....so artististic & natural
very good.....seperti lukisan aja....
wah, foto lama... good documentation...