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Yusi Ananda (35432)
We both know what we came here for.We take each other and walk thourgh the open heart.From the first time that i saw you,to the way you look now.I was shaken by your spirit,i was blinded by your beauty.And the two of us escape from the sadness of the world,from the thunder and the darkness,from the sorrow and the pain.And darling,there could never be a love like ours.We are together husband and wife,lovers forever.Take me to heaven,take me tonight.........................THE OWNER OF MY HEART ..i will always be....loving you!!
Fotografer sedang dalam suspend/verifikasi identitas/verifikasi e-mail. Foto tidak bisa dikomentari
20 tahun yang lalu
cantik banget.
cakep sekali modelnya,warna dan komposisi yg renyah.
Cantik, seksi, sensual... lighting its OK
enak ya mas modelnya free trus ada disebelah,bokin seh....
Model-modelnya Yusi emang laen daripada yang laen.... Top abissssss... :)
uh...cantik banget nih
74860 as always!!! but personally, I'll crop the armpit, I prefer the full face shot... btw, whose the make up artist??? the make up is spectacular!!!!
very nica picture, modelnya cantik. salam.
lighting cakep. modelnya juga cakep.. pokoknya cakep dahh.....
wow impressing....nice verry nice..... nice composition....simple but LOVELY.... great job bro... if u do retouching with photoshops... hihihi just clean her mole or whatever it is on her neck if its for Fashion portrait....
almost perfect bro,.. r u retouch it ?? or use a soft filter
Cakep,... Lightingnya OK banget.
Kontrol lighting nya teliti...sharp focus...fine composition... she is pretty, my friend...
wawawawawaaw beautiful
Great pics.... Ini baru Crisp picture. Hebat banget ketajamannya...lensa nya apa nich Om Yusiananda ??? Salam..
nice lighting,..
perfect girl ... highlight2 dirambutnya.. ok banget.. nice cropping. tapi editan dibawah ketiak nya itu terlihat banget plus ada perbedaan warna antara bg atas dan bawah..
Mas Yusiananda dari segi komposisi menurut pengamatan saya di monitor sdh baik dan benar, fokus tajam serta pencahayaannya sdh tepat, foto ini sdh terkonsep dengan baik dan rapi, expresi obyek benar2 menarik dan menawan, warna tajam, nice shoot.
oks banget,model cantik,lighting apik.....
Hayooo kapan ke Singapore... katanya saya mau dikenalkan sama adiknyaaaa :)) Saka suka komposisinya, white balance nya juga pas banget untuk warna kulitnya.
top banget fotonya.........
Bagus, cuma kanan bawah dihapus pake PS ya? Jadi kurang natural.
mas, fotonya bagus banget nih... tajam... komposisi ada yang bolong di bawah ketek...bagusan keisi alias suruh rapet dikit lah... salam... peace...
exellent...! gak ada matinye....:)