Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Sonny F. Walukow (9601)
Afghanistan, African-American, American, Chinese, Columbian, Indonesian, Ireland, Italian, Jamaican, Korean, Phillipine, Poland and Puerto Rican. Those are countries where some of the models came from that I have worked with. I've been blessed not only to get a chance to photographs them but also to learn their culture. And just added to the list is Jamie. She is a model from German. She is more like fitness model instead of regular typical model. She is really into fitness. Probably like Vicky Burkie in Indonesia.rnrnNext on the list are Elizabeth from India and Alex from Malaysia.rnrnrnBy the way.. this is my first picture using Nikon D 100 I just bought a week ago. No fill-in, no reflector only available lighting.
19 tahun yang lalu
macho man...saya suka anglenya
20 tahun yang lalu
mmg agak UE, ttp msh keren kok
Cool pose!! Half and half? half man half woman...no...just kiddin' I was just wondering...
Keren dan sexy. Suka DOF dan pose-nya.
waaaw, sexy ototnya...
berotot sekali modelnya..
cewek kekar dengan pose seksi
Daaaaang, girlfriend got it goin' ooon! She looks tough like a them chix from American Gladiator! Betcha she could do some damage on you Son!
kekar ya om Son...:) DOFnya pas koq
gile bnerrr...jagoan neh... salam....
Wah, keras sekali bodinya ya? Anyway, you already look professional...
cewe nya terlalu ganteng dan jadi gayanya terlihat macho.
keker juga....hahahaha.. gayanya seperti jagoan...hahahahaha.....
Glamour dengan komposisi pencahayaan yang sangat bagus
sexy... pose ok... wajah emang agak under.... cantik sih tapi takut ama kekarnya.... :)
Cool picture....tapi kayaknya dibagian muka sedikit underexopsure deh...coba pake fill in flash ato reflector biar lebih hidup... :) Btw cwk nya kok KEKAR sekali yah... :) :) :)
Dari segi komposisi menurut pendapat saya sdh baik dan benar, fokus cukup tajam serta pencahayaannya sdh pas, expresi dan posing cukup baik, good shoot.
Waw seksi dan nice shot.
nice concept...
nice body
Seksi sekali tapi ada BG yang mengganggu.