Back Alley Vice 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


 Eddy Ng (15883)

Date Time Original: 2004:05:29 12:22:51rnISO Speed Ratings: 100 was wandering around the back alleys of Bangkok last Saturday when I chanced upon a group of professional ladies waiting for business....rn
rn...prostitution is deep rooted in Thailand.....even in small local neighborhoods, prostitutes from poorer provinces, Burma and Laos hang around alleyways .... often steps away from regular homes servicing local Thai men from a massage to a full suite of sexual services .... this image is a typical situation...rn
rnJust alley major dodging or burning in this imagernI left a tiny little gem behind in this image? can u find it ?

  • Nilai foto: 55
  • Dilihat: 327
  • Waktu upload: Sabtu, 05 Jun 2004
  • Lokasi: Bangkok, Thailand
Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/2.8
  • Speed: 1/60
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Olympus C-5060 *
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Wilson Hidayat (5565)

19 tahun yang lalu

Hi Ed. Nice pic here again. Let the light tells the story. Girls in front of a barred door.

Sebastian Song (1814)

19 tahun yang lalu

Eddie... form a photo essay... though prostitution in Asia has been heavily covered... it remains a reality and should be given the proper attention it deserves. If prostitution cannot be rid at least proper medical care and knowledge could be spread. Nice tones.

 Reynold Sumayku (3205)

19 tahun yang lalu

i saw this one on your web. :) i like the theme.

Yudi Noprian (263)

19 tahun yang lalu

nice contras, but subjek dead.

Paul Paska (1462)

19 tahun yang lalu

brilliant B/W, sometimes story behind the scene amplyfy the meaning. sort of Thai Portfolio.

 Indi Soemardjan (7483)

19 tahun yang lalu

Shiok, man!

 Huang Zheng Ri (16662)

19 tahun yang lalu

Cool! the bw colour fit the image and its kinda suit the situation, the lightning shows me that u're kinda sneaking in to took their photo :) nice!

Wicak Soegijoko (1560)

19 tahun yang lalu

nice... i think the title explains the photo well. i must say that these people are an extreme example of the poorer side of the vice industry. i like the dark foreground, it lends itself to a more "dark and morose" story... thanks, wicak. i couldnt find the "gem" unless its that smudge in the bottom of the picture.

 Judhi Prasetyo. (38908)

19 tahun yang lalu

There's a little reflection in the bottom of the pic, probably from some water spill on the surface?

 Donny Kurniawan, ACMP (10552)

19 tahun yang lalu

Very nice piece of art! well done you have demonstrated a clear and lucid photographic moment involving hm... prostitues? :) well done and thanks for sharing

 Qiu (9885)

19 tahun yang lalu

Great catch....but without your stories this picture would be just a doesn't tell the audience anything. Hoever, I like the picture. Very nice contras, nice tone and composition. I like them all...

 Yoni Tan (13785)

19 tahun yang lalu

Though vice it may seem to be, it's considered as virtue by them because of survival reason. The transition of shadowy part of this photo gives different nuance of the main object like alley itself, full of vice n virtue at the same time.

 Aryono Huboyo DJATI (127032)

19 tahun yang lalu

Foreground gelap memberi nuansa prolog, anti klimax, dan sudut lorong dengan kedinamikaan gaya hidup perkotaan jadi klimax.