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Jowett Jap (2438)
Sunrise with black clouds surrounding on it...i think the title for this picture are suitable cause no matter how thick the clouds, the sun will always shine through it.
20 tahun yang lalu
komposisi dan warnanya cantik, nice capture. salam.
Indah fotonya.
Komposisi & kontras bagus...
Cantik awannya.... mataharinya sedikit OE... warna langitnya bagus juga..
bagus cuma bagian gelapnya terlalu banyak , coba dicropping biar lebih yahoood .imho
lumayan tajam, komposisi lumayan, kontras bagus, warna bagus... nice composition, nice contrast... and the colour is beautiful...
Nice pic, especially the sharpness... very good moment.
Bagus skali warna langitnya.... tp coba ada siluet sesuatu di FG nya... pasti tambah mantap...
Formasi dan warna yang dhasyat Salam
nice work.. but the black area in the bottom is too big, also IMHO u should show the shadow of the sun on the water.. =)
Dahsyat...rekaman suasana penuh emosi yg sangat bagus...salam
nice shot ... warnanya terekam dengan baik dan menarik sekali ... salam,
wah keren banget nih awan, liat tuh exposurenya juga pas! perfect day! very nice! i just simply love it! bagus!!! I think Jowett will go a long way. keep up the good work!