
Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


Upon arrival at the Pram"b"anan, I looked up to the sky. It was dull and grey, so I decided to use b&w film with a red filter to add punch and contrast with touch of film grain.rnrnThe crop off the top of the left temple was deliberate and I will probably want to leave it to you to interpret my composition... rnrn*** Thanks Aryono for correction! *** Jeffrey, it was scanned from film and I would like to give it a moody treatment without too much contrast. Individual preference perhaps ???

Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/16.0
  • Speed: 1/30
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Hasselblad XPan *
  • Lensa: Hasselblad 45mm *
  • Filter: Hoya Red Filter
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
 Sumaryanto Bronto (10038)

20 tahun yang lalu

good composision, but komposisi sebelah kiri yang terpenggal tidak separo agak menggangu pandangan mata.

Trinita dewanti (418)

20 tahun yang lalu

i catch the mysterious sense, beauty

 Charles H. Hadi, Jade (13203)

20 tahun yang lalu

Nice silhouette. But I dont really like the crop of the left temple. Feel like something is missing. Maybe if I was the one taken this shot ... I would crop the left side a little bit ... leaving only the half of the temple's silhouette without including the left sky. (its only my preference). Also the silhouette abit tilted to the left I think. Was it because distortion ?

 Dian Agung Nugroho (23376)

20 tahun yang lalu

smart idea....i like the BW tone of this picture

 Henry Samudera (39620)

20 tahun yang lalu

I think the spelling for it is Prambanan. the composistion is intriguing, people could like or dislike it. Like the tones of the Picture, and the sky also add a sense of mystical quality of the temple.

 Aryono Huboyo DJATI (127032)

20 tahun yang lalu

Pram(b)anan. Well done.

Jeffrey Yap (572)

20 tahun yang lalu

Jason, this shot is too the black & grey are not distinct. Was the shot scanned from film? Better to adjust normally in PS if scanned from film. The shot can be improved for contrast & details.