Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
D. Setiadi (81319)
Date Time Original: 2004:05:10 15:50:14The Number Of The Beastrnrn"Woe to you, Oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beastrnwith wrath, because he knows the time is short...rnLet him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beastrnfor it is a human number, its number is Six hundred and sixtyrnsix."rnRevelations ch. xiii v. 18
20 tahun yang lalu
komposisi warnanya ok!
beautiful composition..
...........................protected by gendruwo........ since 666
Rock forever lah yauuuu, bener 2 mantep kang cuma sayang yg kuning atasnya sedikit janda
simpel dan menarik
Simple.. permainan warna yang menarik... Komposisi keren boo... Cakep abis dah...
konsep yg bagus..! warna juga terang benderang... tapi yg merah agak hilang detailnya..? oversaturated kah? imho..
wah dari 3 jepitan bisa jadi konsep yang begitu keren :) emang oke, kreatip banget idenya..!! simple is the best...!! hehe
oks banget,warnanya......
hee...the devil's number... nice concept, nice color composition
wahaha...gak dapet jemuran...jepitannya pun jadi...kreatif deh..gak enak liat framing atas bawah yang super ketat..trus objek gak seserem judulnya
objek sederhana, tajam, kontras warna menarik sekali... well shot !!
konsep ok, komposisi warnanya keren, good job .......
kampanye nih...? jemur....jemur.....
The night was black was no use holding back 'Cos I just had to see was someone watching me In the mist dark figures move and twist Was this all for real or some kind of hell 666 the number of the beast Hell and fire was spawned to be released toppppp......................iron maiden mah is de best lah.....
Ide yg betul-betul kreatif, warnanya very "kinclong" bang... WhatOut that is dangerous number !!!
komposisi yang sederhana tapi menarik sekali....salam