Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Marc Aviles (17202)
trying to break "rules" in cropping.. :) rnrnDate Time Original: 2004:03:31 17:36:12rnISO Speed Ratings: 100
20 tahun yang lalu
masih tetep cakep...croppingnya unik.
komposisi manis, modelnya cukup ekspresif...
Cantik.. dan sangat menarik..
Komposisi agak nanggung, kurang dipadatkan sedikit, fokus cukup tajam serta pencahayaannya sdh pas, selamat memperbaiki.
modelnya TOP! ekspresi bagus! cropping boleh!
Like the lighting so much, and the model... she so cute.....
waw... nice shot..
Menarik, komposisi berani.
well marc, this is my comments. 1. the girl.. pretty with beautiful smile :) 2. need more power for the wind. ok! 3. the picture quality is little bit soft for me. 4. great angle, but need to give more focus for the lighting *front area*. 5. abt the cropping, too bad for her legs *as you see*. trying to break "rules" hah? best regard. p.s: does all the philipino's girls looks pretty like all your models?
keren... gua suka croppingnya.. tapi yah itu bener, anginnya agak kurang keras dikit, trus agak kurang tajem yah ??? ato monitor gua ?
Cantik !!!
nice cropping. nice pose. lovely expression :)
great angle. nice pic man....salam kenal
wow.. ekspresif, menarik.. tapi wajahnya kok kurang tajem ya
nice but the cropping is nanggung..
udah keren seh........ekpresi nya ok......tapi sayaang..komposisi nya nangggung bgt...jari kiri nya kepotong.....klo di liatin semuanya mungkin tambah keren...heheheh...tapi itu kan menurut gue...thx....:):)...hehehehe,..............
I saw the pic is little bit soft. I like the model... expressive
Nice pose, compose & tone expressive... pretty model
nice composition......
excellent...good job
foto model yang ceria...
Beautiful, fresh, nice classy frame, BG is cool. is the focus sharp enough? It's a great model pict. Rgds
Komposisinya bagus, Angle yang bugus juga
i like the angle & the picture is greatly composed.