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Rick BK (10628)
20 tahun yang lalu
depe tone warna yang kita suka pace... ide framing... not bad... agak kurang gimana gitu lantaran dapa lia agak soft, ada pake NI ?
artistik & tone yang bagus
asik, kayak foto kalsik, tapi kok agak miring ya? warna2nya indah
Tone bagus sekali. Ide framing juga oke
Great concept Rick. Good title too. If you see those trees and its branches is like seeing another dimension of live-being beyond that 'big window'. But I feel the snow a little bit to soft. Losing its texture. Good job Rick.
Komposisi warnanya cukup bagus. Ketajaman hampir maksimal. Sapuannya yang mantap dengan framing yang serupa tapi tak sama.
Nive pic Rick... I have not seen your picture since Jan. Bit busy... Great shot.
nice one Rick!..great duotone color...pic is sharp..it has that classic look...well done!
very nice framing and tone color