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Max Gunawan (13837)
A small single engine Fibre-glass structure body plane,Focal length 18 mm.PS Image adjusment color balance.Cooling filter 80.thank for comment.
20 tahun yang lalu
nice angle dan komposisi .... , menurut saya (IMHO) color balance nya agak kebanyakan yah.... saturasi warna awanya jadi aneh... salam..
wau yg ini paling keren dari komposisinya, warna juga cerah. sayang sedikit ada buntut pesawat satu lagi dikiri
komposisi benar-benar dinamis sekali... terasa mau maju... nice photo aero...
woww .. kereen !! cakep banget !! setuju, kalo pesawat yang dikiri gak ada mungkin lebih bagus. simetris
Wow... the color is very clear.... but the blue color over saturation...
sudut pandang yg langka, sayang pesawat lain di kiri mengganggu
A unique angle, balanced composition. Nice picture.
Tajam dan menarik anglenya, refleksi cakep, awan dramatis, setuju pesawat di sbl kiri agak mengganggu, biru awannya agak sedikit over saturated (imho)
good idea, sharp picture
I think it might be better if the plane is on the runway or there's no plane on the left side.
Komposisi baik sekali, refleksi langit sangat bagus,, warna mantab..., cuma kalau sayap belakan kapal posisinya lurus photo jadi lebih proposional,( sepertinya posisi kapal juga rada miring yah?),IMHO
great capture !
wow!!! amazing symmetric and look at that reflection just the sky looks like its not real or i dont know just a little weird in my eyes well done!
good composition, with a different view of a plane, as always, i like aviation picture, you step/climb on something to get this angle? very good. i like the blue of the sky also..
angle yang menarik.... andai pesawat di kiri gak ada ya?
the sky colors just a little bit over brigthness.. imho
i like your compo...its dinamic with reflection in the body of plane... the sky is very beautiful....cool blue..:] i am soory if my english is too bad...:]