Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Edwin Ervanto Soelistyo (5221)
In the street of San Marco, Venezia, I saw this stone cold Italian Lady walking down the street. I asked her permissioon to take a shot and she noded with smaile and Isome Italian words that I did't care. Smile means agree huh, It was very difficult for me to press the shutter since there were a lot of other people walking. Please suggest, much thanks
20 tahun yang lalu
Trinity with a long hair? :) Awesome.... how did you get into the Matrix? Morpheus let you do that? Nice image...
Ada2 aja Ed ! Keren posenya, emang kaya matrix :p
Cool, wajahnya keras, kayak cowok...
wow,.. cool... expression n rite moment... Burung merpati memperindah composition
Keren .. aku pikir tadinaya mah Lidya Kandao .. mirip ya ed .. ekspresinya mantep ! dingin seolah menyimpan sesuatu !!