Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Lourien Siwu (2569)
i took this pic from the car on the way back to my college.rni took it in sephia color then changed it to this color by ps did a lilttle cropping and thats itrn*i changed the name, coz i actualy didnt realize there was a bench there until i opened it up on my comp and it's not the center of the pic.it was"little bench under the big tree"
20 tahun yang lalu
nicely composed looks like a very old tree, great angle somemore
Objeknya menarik juga nih , jadi inget ama Totoro nih :) Salam kenal Siwu.
i like the composition of this picture, the colors look rather weird tho (imho).. lovely shot..
lumayan bagus
Dari segi komposisi sdh baik dan seimbang, fokus obyek cukup tajam, pencahayaannya sdh pas, good shoot.
objeknya sudah sangat bagus, warna yg dipilih tidak lazim - salut untuk keberanianmu - coba di ambil dengan IR mungkin dapat alternatif yg lebih baik...
bener2 lain drpd yg lain... pemilihan warna ungu cukup berani...tapi hasilnya cantik kok... salam.....
Only one word: Wonderful!
Bagus colournya
seperti efek 3D max, agak blurry ... really nice pict, tapi kenapa magenta?
Komposisi yang jamak tapi tetap indah bagus dan menarik...apalagi bila dibuat dengan film IR bisa lebih dahsyat nehh oin......
excellent...i like this color, how you make it...? I Love it
Wow well done..i like the colour =) pretty
Warna indah, nice view...
nice pic rien, tapi gak keliatan mightynya, malah keliatan manis :) kalo warnanya digeser kearah warna2 tua mungkin lebih keliatan powerful... ungu gelap mungkin? ungu kan warna royalty
21 tahun yang lalu
oin lembut sekali depe kesan... manis eh ini pic ... nice pic
Komposisinya cakep, warnanya ku suka, nice pic
soft and nice... i love it.... nice shot.....
Beautiful landscape. great composition. great color. Salam Kenal.
nice foto, background has dimension, and great color and tree, regards from jkt
komposisi bagus... warna kurang alami...
wuihhhhhhhhhh warnanya ga kuat boooooo.. ngejreng abissss.... mantep mantep... depe judul ganti tu pohon jo ato something else 'rien... anyway, keren abis... mar mana dang depe speed dengan aperture ?... taru kek biar cuma da set auto :)
I think that tree is called Pussy Willow...So easily remembered for some reason! Nice capture girl, keep up the good job
warnanya feminim sekali..
looking at the thumbnail I thought it was a IR shot... A well-executed shot nevertheless, I like the way everything in this pic seems to have a 'blurry' effect in it...