this is how I see the world 

Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.


Black, white and thousand shades of grey.
rnWhat it seems is not always what it is.
rnThose two bright objects look like light sources, but they aren't.
rnTopside could be bottom , right might be left.
rnIs it stairs ? Is it pillars ?
rnFloor and ceiling..can you really tell which is which?
rnrnOne can always see things from a different perspective.
rnThere is always a different point of view.
rnrnIt's all in my head, really.
rnand no, I'm not color-blind.
rnbuat pak Ardi dan Pak Steve :
rnI didn't put anything, because if I do, the ambiguity will be lost.. people can tell which way is up etc. And it will ruin the whole concept (or description) But I agree, I feel there's something missing..but I don't know what..
rnbuat pak Ardi :
rntangga yang di balik atau tangga yang di foto dari atas ? dua duanya bisa...:-)
rnbuat pak Steve : what's in my mind ? well.....when I took this picture, nothing. I saw the object, somethng inside me just clicked, return with my camera, took some pictures without knowing what really I wanted to capture.... and voila...

Shooting Data
  • Aperture: f/4.0
  • Speed: 1/800
  • ISO: 0
  • Kamera: Canon PowerShot G3 *
  • Filter: UV
  • * Masih menggunakan daftar alat lama yang mungkin tidak akurat.
Kritik dan Komentar
M. Yasir Zain (124)

20 tahun yang lalu

hahahaha ide yang sangat bagus, angle juga bagus. materi yang berisi. biarkan foto bicara. penikmat berpikir. hasilnya....... simpulkan masing2. gitu kan ?

 Henry Samudera (39620)

20 tahun yang lalu

saya rasa saya bisa mengambil foto yg sama jika ketemu yg dilihat anda, maksudnya saya mengerti apa yg anda terangkan tentang sesuatu yg membuat anda ingin menekan shutter pada saat itu, ditempat itu dgn kondisi lighting saat itu, dsb.

Angelo Halomoan, GLO (2007)

20 tahun yang lalu

hmm...misterius bgd, objeknya apa seh??? good BW,salam...

imelda Taurina Mandala (3155)

20 tahun yang lalu

nice angle.nice thought.nice bw

 Steve Chong, arps (19245)

20 tahun yang lalu

Wow! I am not sure if I like your description better or the image! This is certainly a very interesting abstract. Even more interesting I must say is to find out whats exactly in your head :-)
Now about the image, I feel that something is missing in the shot but I can't tell what. Maybe a shadow or a person's back would enhance the shot. My version of course :-)
Good work! Keep shooting!

 Ardi Junaidi (4507)

20 tahun yang lalu

idenya bagus mas.. kalau nggak salah ini foto tangga yang di balik ya mas ? sayang nggak ada obyek pengisinya..