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Tundra Laksamana (24075)
hasil kamera Canon Eos D 60 nya Pak Ruell Tavalla nih....waktu itu lagi ndak bawa kamera. Model ini adalah model dadakan, cewek A Mild karena ceweknya kiut...(lupa inggrisnya) saya potret aja. itung-itung nyobain kamera bagus...hehehhe
19 tahun yang lalu
iki koyo adikku! asyik fotone!
20 tahun yang lalu
pose model sangat menarik, tertarik dengan hair lightnya..
1 TU for a nice warm smile. those fingers poking at cheeks...look really silly and not cute (i assume that you were going for the 'cute' expression)...the sunglasses...and that pen in her hand...I suggest getting rid of them. Also the yellow/grey background.....big fight with the Red t-shirt. Very nice warm smile!
unik banget!
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