Hak cipta karya foto ada pada fotografer dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang.
Kevin Oei (2841)
used a tripod & timer for this shot. that's me and my girl :)rnrn
19 tahun yang lalu
Good idea n detailing. Nice shot
kaya film jepang deh hahaha... salam kenal
A romantic reunion, so natural. I like the face of the girl, so natural and happy to see him coming back. Great photo Kevin.
Nice b&w picture & natural expression....!
wow..this is a great photo..i like the expression
BWnya bagus...moment terlihat sederhana ,,,namun pesan gambar kuat...niec shot...
judulnya bagus photonyapum bagus,namun kalau bisa obyek perempuan jangan terlalu mepet sehingga terasa legah.
nice shot
Nice Moment and romantic. Kesan dari B/W yang tajem & pas. One of my Fav
beautiful!!! perfect composition and pretty facial expression
20 tahun yang lalu
lasting forever both of U great shot...(great camera too )
mantep... kaya syuting pilem korea ni... hihihi... keren2..
BW concept,its look great! nice emotions too...
nice bw, well concepted and well done
momentya dan ekspresinya pas
menjadi lebih sip bila bayangannya sempurna
berbicara...komposisi asik sekali..well done
komposis dan visualnya sangat menarik sekali kak.............cakep dan romantis..............
Bagus deh, tapi kelihatan agak flat. Emang sengaja dibuat gitu ya?
wahhh..keren neh...top top top
well done..romantic photo art
Wow .. what a picture ... The pose is so natural .. I can't believe you did this with tripod ... A very pleasant shot ...
very touching... very well composed!