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Maria Tjandra (3627)
Jayavarman VII was the first of the Angkor kings to be a follower of Buddhism, and he built the Bayon Temple in the center of the city as a symbol of Mount Sumeru, the center of the world in Buddhist cosmology. This reflected in the Bayon's most prominent feature, the 54 towers sculpted on four sides with the face of the Compassionate Boddhisattva Lokesvara. The gate tower is 200 m high and the bodhisattva's faces, on all four sides of the tower, are about 3 m in height. The repeated smiling faces that look down on a visitor seem to change their expression subtly according to the time of the day, as light moves from one point to another.
21 tahun yang lalu
nice angle. Vinet di pojok kanan atas agak mengganggu. Coba lain kali menggunakan filter PL, warna langit dan yang lainnya bisa jadi tambah matang. Salam Kenal
tajam, detail terekam dengan baik. IMHO BG pohon agak mengganggu. Rasanya akan lebih keren kalau dibuat low angle. Salam
Detailnya tajam, se7 saran bung Triyudha soal cara pengambilan dri depan arcanya. Btw, it looks classic lho Mar :)
nice object bagaimana kalau dari depan? untuk mengeluarkan BG di sisi kanan yang kurang menarik IMHO
nice relief Mar, good colors, sharp and great shot.
Tajam dan detailed. BTW kanan atas apaan tuh? :-)
Menarik detail patungnya
detailnya sangat menarik karena bayangan dari lighting yg agak terik.. membuat sangat menarik